Christmas Feature #014

CHRISTMAS is here! Let's get excited for the festive season. That time of year where traditions happen and memories are made! Come and take a look at our Christmas range this year and be sure to order early to avoid any further delivery delays.
Christmas in water colours

Our water colour Christmas design was so popular last year, we've brought it back for 2021! There's 3 ways this set is available...
Christmas hunt & memory match mega pack - 1 board, 24 discs (left)
Christmas memory match - 24 discs (middle)
Christmas Hunt - 1 board, 12 discs (right)
Nativity Blocks

Word Finders Club

We love Jana's illustrations from @wordfindersclub so this year we have our collaboration Christmas blocks back and her brand new Christmas Buddies memory match. These gorgeous Christmas blocks feature 3 blocks with 18 different Christmas themed activity prompts.
Christmas blocks (left & middle)
Christmas Buddies memory match - 24 pieces (right)

Our nativity sets were popular last year as well so we've brought them back! Again there's 3 ways this set is available. You could also use any of the discs from these sets to use as story tellers to retell the Christmas story.
Nativity hunt & memory match mega pack - 1 board, 20 discs (left)
Nativity hunt memory match - 20 discs (middle)
Nativity hunt - 1 board, 10 discs (right)
Mini Hunt & Memory Makers

Another 2 newbies for this year! Our mini hunts have been so popular this year so we thought we'd add to the collection with a mini Christmas hunt! This could be perfect for keeping the kids busy while Christmas shopping! (left)
Also featured here is our new memory makers set. This set is available as discs or tree slices and feature 40 memory making ideas and activities. There's 15 kindness prompts, 15 simple and fun activities to do together as a family and also 10 Christmas themed prompts. Use this set as a Christmas countdown advent, a 30 day kindness challenge during the year or lucky dip 1 activity a week to add some fun times to add into your year.
Aussie Aussie Aussie

We wanted to make sure we had a super aussie set for Christmas this year and the first thing that came to mind was the Aussie 12 days of Christmas!! Sorry in advance for having this song stuck in your head for days but it's such a fun song to sing and brings back so many childhood memories! This set features real life images of a gum tree activity board, 12 discs featuring the number of animals it sings about and a double sided flash card with the words of the song.
Well! I hope that's helped you see what we have ready and online for Christmas this year. We are on holidays for the next week so any order placed will be shipped from Tuesday 28th September onwards. And to say thanks for waiting, we have 10% our Christmas collection! Use the code EARLYBIRD at the checkout. Discount ends Sunday 26th September.
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