Bug & Nature Mini Hunt Feature #005
Is your little one a bug lover? Do they want to show you every single bug they find? Or maybe even go so far as to pick it up and put it too close to your face?!
Are they a nature lover and have a collection of sticks, leaves, stones and feathers? Then you will love this feature!
Exploring Nature

Are you following Sarah over at @cruzy_play_ideas with her nature loving play account? They ventured out in their local area of Cairns with our bug and nature mini hunts to help prompt and engage her little ones in exploring their natural surrounding. Our boards are the perfect A6 size for little hands to hold with real life images of nature and bugs and animals you might find while exploring.
Backyard Benefits

Nicole from @littleexplorerstoyshop and her little ones love using their mini hunt boards in their back yard. A nature or bug hunt is a wonderful way to enjoy some sunshine in the morning to start the day or the afternoon to calm down. Studies show that regular direct access to nature can: increase self esteem and resilience against stress and adversity, improve concentration, learning, creativity, cognitive development, cooperation, flexibility and self-awareness.

April is the amazing Mumma from @mummamakesitsimple who is always creating amazing Thermomix meals and sharing their fun homeschool adventures! And how great is this activity! April has used the #mylittlesetdraw prompt to get her son to draw the animals he found in the garden. Using a drawing prompt encourages children to pay attention to detail, notice similarities and differences and benefits their fine motor skills. Be sure to tag us in your drawing activities when you use our sets at drawing prompts.

Does your little one love a good check list as much as Henry does? The wonderful Sara from @henry.at.home has these on stand by as well as the mini travel hunt for the daily trip to school. There's nothing better than ticking boxes then rubbing it all out to do it all again another time! Our mini hunt sets come with their own little pencil and eraser!
Learning Through Play

Nicole and her boys from @our.adventures.of.wonder snapped up this set as soon as they were first releases last year and made the best spring addition. "Buddy was trying to find everyyyyyything on his nature board and Little Bud wanted to find allllll the snails!" Children learn more effectively when they are engaged in everyday activities that are based on their interests.

Here's some insight for you into the creation of this set from us. We expanded on our much loved nature hunt activity board, shrunk it down to be pocket size and easy for little hands to carry. I cut a piece of paper to size and roughly (very roughly haha) drew the idea to see how it would all work. Our mini hunt boards are hand cut and sanded to ensure a super smooth finish.
Their Little Faces

These little faces bring me so much joy in knowing that our little boards are well loved and offer such a wonderful engaging time in nature.
Images: left @natural.learning.life middle @learning.seeds right @howards_tribe
Again, thank you for joining us for another feature and as always, we have a little something for you.
Use the code EXPLORE for 20% off our bug & nature mini hunt and the mini hunt mega pack.
Code expires midnight Sunday 16th May